{UAH} Pope prays for Rwanda at Sunday's Angelus prayer
An estimated more than 150,000 pilgrims were present in St Peter's Square
yesterday Sunday ( 06/ 04 / 2014 ) when Pope Francis reminded them of the
commemoration to take place today in Rwanda in remembrance of the victims of the 1994 genocide. He praised Rwanda's population for the effort they are taking to come to a true reconciliation axed on love and mercy. He hinted on the fruitful reunion he recently had at the Vatican with all the Catholic bishops of Rwanda whom he encouraged in their effort for this national reconciliation. He confided the people of Rwanda to the protection of the Holy Virgin of Kibeho and requested the vast crowds to recite with him a Hail Mary to the Virgin of Kibeho for that intention.
( Kibeho is a Marian Shrine in Rwanda where the Holy Virgin appeared to six adults in the late 80s and was said to have predicted prophetically an imminent genocide if the spirit of love amongst Rwandans continued to be taken backstage! In fact one of the visionaries of the apparition is said to have seen the Holy Virgin pointing to a bloodbath with people murdering each other!)
In another development during the Angelus the Pope also appealed to the assembly to pray for the people of Guinea and surrounding countries who are now victim of Ebola. He appealed for immediate efficient medical care to be extended to the victims.
He also took the opportunity to launch a distribution of thousands of pocket bibles to the faithful.
Pope Francis's pontificate is characterized by dynamism and great activity. Last Thursday he assembled hundreds of orphans and relatives whose people had been murdered by Italy's notorious Mafia group. He conforted them and at the same time he warned the Mafias on the punishment they will receive in the next world if they don't repent! He appreciated the Libera movement which groups 1300 associations that are engaged in one way or another in the fight against the Mafia.
And last Friday he received both the Queen of England and the Duke. The meeting which lasted 20 minutes was said to be very warmly cheerful and there was the traditional exchange of gifts with the Queen reportedly presenting to the Pope some produce from her garden and a bottle of whisky. The Pope in return impressed the royal couple by handing to the Queen a special gift intended to her great grandson Prince George! At the meeting the Pope is said to have hinted on the wish for a brotherly settlement of the Falklands question.
Pope Francis continues to show determination in favour of the poor and the marginalized. New revelations point to his reported secret nocturnal outings with a group of his Swiss Guards to distribute food and bread to the homeless who sleep on street pavements. He is said to go out disguised as an ordinary Roman folk.
The Pope's concern for the poor coupled with his simple ways have made him a real world hero whom all would love to have a glimpse at. Yesterda's Angelus prayer was also attended, among others, by a big group of hunters from Germany who held a big banner with writings showing affectionate praises for the Pope! And there were also in the assembly pupils and students from Canada, Australia, and the USA. He's really the people's Pope!
Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )
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