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I have had an experience this evening that I need those of you in society to read of maybe it will raise your understanding on how to deal with community. I drove to my building this evening, and parked just to open the garage door, but as I was walking towards the door I had to wait for the people to cross to access it, among those that were crossing was a black woman most likely from Western Africa and a white man . Going the opposite side was another white fellah with a girl and being summer there was a huge bunch of people going either sides, but those I have mentioned are the important ones. A Lizard out of the blue fell off a tree and fell on the white guy’s shoulder who was walking right passing the black woman. She saw it and screamed only one word, Lizard and she flipped up held herself on a street rail and refused to let go.


This poor lady went into a very severe panic attack and trembled as we watched her life drowning out of her. Because I witnessed everything, my first intention was to calm her down. Okay can you speak English what is your name, that she would respond to, but that was the only response she gave and she only continued to slip off the life grid to a point that I started to worry, her cry started to be voiceless and her nerves started to weaken and she was struggling to hold on the rail, in as much as her hands became weaker and weaker. A reflection came to my eyes and I realized that in as much as I worry about her, I do not know this woman and I do not know her medical back ground but I do not even have the  medical ability to understand that her life is not in danger. I advised a kid to make the call,  and so she made it. By the time the gang arrived she was only pointing at the rail of the street which she was holding on and very firmly. They talked to her as much as they so could and we now have a patient in the hospital who we have no back ground and no details.


General looks she is a very well to do woman, black but probably employed very well and age about late 40’s or early 50’s. I do not think she has a medical problem but I think she is scared of lizards from child hood, and this panic attack if it attacked her in a park where she was alone she would have died. I am waiting to  hear from the hospital of what happened to her, and how she is doing but it has been a very learning experience. Panic attack can kill someone and on what I have witnessed this evening, very easily.

The Germanys are getting whooped come Sunday !!!!!


On the 49th Parallel          


                    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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