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{UAH} Top Exiled Uganda General Said To Head New "Liberation" Coalition Of Groups Seeking Museveni Ouster

Top Exiled Uganda General Said To Head New "Liberation" Coalition Of Groups Seeking Museveni Ouster

By Henry GombyaJuly 15,2014


Gen. Sejusa

Just a week after calling for a debate on the use of force to end nearly 30 years of President Yoweri Museveni’s presidency, Gen. David Sejusa has been chosen to chair a coalition of "liberation forces" that will harmonize with other Ugandan opposition groups in their efforts to remove Museveni from power.

In a statement exclusively sent to The London Evening Post and the New York-based Black Star News, those involved in the struggle to oust Museveni said they had created new structures that will address the challenges expected in their struggle. The new struggle against Museveni will therefore be made up of a coalition of liberation forces under the Chairmanship of Gen. Sejusa who will head what the statement referred to as the "High Committee" to facilitate activities carried out by military officers and opposition politicians inside and outside Uganda in an effort to coordinate their activities so as to expedite Museveni’s ouster.

The names of others on the committee were not provided in the release which states that their identities were being withheld for their protection as they are said to be working behind the scenes inside Uganda. “As the liberation struggle against dictatorship intensifies, a lot of activities are being carried out and new objectives set,” the statement, signed by one "Eng. Capt Sebbi (rtd)" reported. The structure of the new setup to fight Museveni made up of various committees was announced as follows.

A National Guidance Committee was set up with one A.B. Sentongo as Secretary. This will facilitate the coordination and linking up of all various organizations and groups in the country and those outside Uganda. According to the communique, this committee has been empowered with the setting up of guidelines for "effective political and underground work".

It will also carry out coordination between political groups and armed resistance forces and provide guidance, ideology and doctrine to those in the field, the statement says.

Working Committees were also set up. These include the External Committee led by Major Walter Odoch, but whose main duties were not specified in the statement; the Committee for Mobilization and Media which will be headed by Eng. Capt Sebbi and whose primary duties would be to set up "committees for the defense of liberties" and coordinating communication and media operations; an Operations Committee led by one Dr. Ephraim Kabuleta that will be in charge of operations and recruitment as well as to organize civil action, demonstrations, general strikes, uprisings as well as operations on the ground; a Support Committee under the directorship of one Dr. Okello, as well as the Oversight Committee whose leader was not named.

Gen. Sejusa, a senior member of Freedom and Unity Front (FUF) couldn't be reached for comment. Additionally the individuals named on the statement couldn't be reached for comment or elaboration.

A spokesperson for the Ugandan government could not be reached tonight.

In a release issued separately a week ago, Gen. Sejusa who fought and worked with Gen Museveni until he fled the country just over a year ago, said it would be treasonable for any Ugandan to sit back and do nothing while Museveni and his gang "looted the country" and enslaved "our children and grandchildren to the yoke of debt repayments".

While he helped found the FUF, led by Prof. Amii-Omara Otunnu, the new structures he will share did not shed any light on what role, if any, that the University of Connecticut history professor would be playing in the newly formed opposition structure.

The statement ended by assuring Ugandans that the names of other leaders and further details regarding their role will be communicated to the public soon.


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Top Exiled Uganda General Said To Head New "Liberation" Coalition Of Groups Seeking Museveni Ouster

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Gen. Sejusa
Just a week after calling for a debate on the use of force to end nearly 30 years of President Yoweri Museveni’s presidency, Gen. David Sejusa has been chosen to chair a coalition of "liberation forces" that will harmonize with other Ugandan opposition groups in their efforts to remove Museveni from power.
In a statement exclusively sent to The London Evening Post and the New York-based Black Star News, those involved in the struggle to oust Museveni said they had created new structures that will address the challenges expected in their struggle. The new struggle against Museveni will therefore be made up of a coalition of liberation forces under the Chairmanship of Gen. Sejusa who will head what the statement referred to as the "High Committee" to facilitate activities carried out by military officers and opposition politicians inside and outside Uganda in an effort to coordinate their activities so as to expedite Museveni’s ouster.
The names of others on the committee were not provided in the release which states that their identities were being withheld for their protection as they are said to be working behind the scenes inside Uganda. “As the liberation struggle against dictatorship intensifies, a lot of activities are being carried out and new objectives set,” the statement, signed by one "Eng. Capt Sebbi (rtd)" reported. The structure of the new setup to fight Museveni made up of various committees was announced as follows.
A National Guidance Committee was set up with one A.B. Sentongo as Secretary. This will facilitate the coordination and linking up of all various organizations and groups in the country and those outside Uganda. According to the communique, this committee has been empowered with the setting up of guidelines for "effective political and underground work".
It will also carry out coordination between political groups and armed resistance forces and provide guidance, ideology and doctrine to those in the field, the statement says.
Working Committees were also set up. These include the External Committee led by Major Walter Odoch, but whose main duties were not specified in the statement; the Committee for Mobilization and Media which will be headed by Eng. Capt Sebbi and whose primary duties would be to set up "committees for the defense of liberties" and coordinating communication and media operations; an Operations Committee led by one Dr. Ephraim Kabuleta that will be in charge of operations and recruitment as well as to organize civil action, demonstrations, general strikes, uprisings as well as operations on the ground; a Support Committee under the directorship of one Dr. Okello, as well as the Oversight Committee whose leader was not named.
Gen. Sejusa, a senior member of Freedom and Unity Front (FUF) couldn't be reached for comment. Additionally the individuals named on the statement couldn't be reached for comment or elaboration.
A spokesperson for the Ugandan government could not be reached tonight.
In a release issued separately a week ago, Gen. Sejusa who fought and worked with Gen Museveni until he fled the country just over a year ago, said it would be treasonable for any Ugandan to sit back and do nothing while Museveni and his gang "looted the country" and enslaved "our children and grandchildren to the yoke of debt repayments".
While he helped found the FUF, led by Prof. Amii-Omara Otunnu, the new structures he will share did not shed any light on what role, if any, that the University of Connecticut history professor would be playing in the newly formed opposition structure.
The statement ended by assuring Ugandans that the names of other leaders and further details regarding their role will be communicated to the public
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