{UAH} 2014 UNAA Convention - Day 3 (Part 2)
2014 UNAA CONVENTION – DAY 3 (Part 2)
Earlier, I reported on the proceedings of the Formal Banquet which included the Key Note speeches, a presentation from the Managing Director of the Uganda Tourism Board and a fashion show.
Intermingled within these various presentations were a stunning dance presentation from Ankole by a group led by Mrs. Prossy Bahinyoza of Los Angeles, and an, electrifying Kiganda dance presentation led by Mrs. Eva Ariko also from Los Angeles.
Also intermingled within the various presentations were opportunities for members of the audience to come to the dance floor and participate in ad hoc Kiganda, Kiga and Kisoga dances.
The UNAA President, Mr. Brian Kwesiga, then delivered the traditional UNAA Presidential message where he gave a brief summary overview of what UNAA had accomplished in the preceding year, identified and thanked all who had contributed towards the success of the convention, and thanked all the delegates present for their continued support of UNAA. The president also again announced the host city for the 2015 convention – New Orleans, Louisiana.
HE Ambassador Oliver Wonekha then invited the Prime Minister of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi, to deliver the traditional official Uganda Government greeting to the UNAA Convention. The Hon. Prime Minister touched on a variety of subjects including the importance of the Uganda Diaspora to the future development of Uganda and made a plea for unity within the Ugandan community in North America. The Prime Minister and his wife also made a personal contribution towards the UNAA Emerging Leaders Scholarship Fund.
The evening progressed to a comedic presentation by Mr. Charles Muvawala from Boston who poked fun at all the VIP guests and kept the audience in stitches.
Once all these official "closing" ceremonies were over, the evening literally exploded with entertainment.
First up was the famous Ugandan band from Boston, "Touch 'n Soul," followed by performances by "Frank Rubanza (aka T.A.)" and female solo artist "Sera Lubowa Muhenda."
Finally at about midnight, Uganda's dynamic duo "Radio and Weasel" took the stage. Now let me confess to you, even though these two also performed at the 2010 UNAA Convention in Washington DC, I was not particularly familiar with their music. But their performance in San Diego was nothing short of mind-blowing. Both the music and delivery were fantastic in every sense. Then they did something that I found very impressive – they made the backup instrumental music stop before the end of each song and they completed it a Capella. Absolutely no one present was left in any doubt as to the incredible talent of these two entertainers. I was even more personally impressed by their ability to sustain such an intensely high level of energy for well over an hour without a break. The quality of their performance was as good at the end of the concert as at the beginning. The crowd ate it all up and begged for more.
The entertainment continued with DJ dancing until 4 AM.
I finally retired for the night at about 3 AM or so and fell asleep content in the knowledge that as promised, the 2014 UNAA Convention in San Diego would go down in history as one of the very best ever.
Moses R. Wilson
Member – UNAA Board of Directors
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