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A by-election in Amuru district to replace the member of parliament Hon. Betty Bigombe who secured another job at the World Bank will be another test for the opposition to rally desperate Ugandans to reject Museveni. If the opposition once again put aside their differences and put forward a single CANDIDATE, there is no doubt they will defeat Museveni once again.

In May 2014Museveni unleashed his usual rigging machinery on the people of Luwero during the bye-election for the woman Member of Parliament. The voters in Luwero endured all forms of intimidation and harassment but could mot relent. Museveni personally pitched camp in Luwero for four days to drum up support for his choice of candidate but the people defiantly rejected his old tricks. As usual huge sums of tax payer's money was dished out but but it could not help out either. The opposition pulled resources and threw their weight behind DP's Brenda Nabukenya who took the day. Without shame Museveni claimed that the opposition had rigged. Shortly after the victorious MP was slammed with fakecriminal charges of Kidnap. The people of Luwero - an area that bore he brunt of his five years bush war had finally woken up against Museveni's 32 years of blackmail.

Busoga was a traditionally strong UPC stronghold. When Museveni revived cultural institutions in-order to blackmail Buganda, Busoga which had never had a hereditary Kyabazinga had Museveni's personal friend Wako Muloki Wanbuzi as the Kyabazinga. Wako Muloki's clan hadserved its turn and it was time for another clan's turn. It was after alot of controversy in which Museveni duped Kiregeya - the rightful Kyabazinga at the time that Muloki's reign was to last for only five years. As it turned out Wako Muloki was to rule beyond five years till he died in 2008.

Disregarding the Busoga contitutional provision of a rotational five years Kyabazingaship, Museveni admits that when Wako Wambuzi died he got worried of what was going to happen and that he was assured by the the former Chief Justice Wambuzi he should not worry since Busoga had a constitution. INDEED the Busoga constitution was invoked to elect a new Kyabazinga. Museveni fronted Wako Muloki's son Columbus Wambuzi well knowing that his clan had not only finished serving its term but had served beyond five years till the death of Wako Muloki. Wako Muloki was Museveni's personal friend. His son by names of David Wako Muloki joined the NRA in August 1985 and went on to serve as one of Museveni;s close body guards under former PPU before he passed away in the late 90s. The Basoga defied his manipulative ways and went ahead to elect Gabula Nadiope - the grandson of UPC's strongman and first Vice President of Uganda Kadhumbula Wilberforce Nadiope. Museveni in turn stooped his coronation and enthronement. As a result the region was thrown into confusion for the next six years. 

The current Speaker of Parliament whom Museveni fears to be harboring Presidential ambitions threw her weight behind Gabula Nadiope. A number of CABINET Ministers and other NRM heavy weights from Busoga would behind the scenes supported Gabula's enthronement. Under the guise of his poverty eradication program, Museveni deployed a one Kyalya in Busoga to rally support for the rejected Colombus Wambuzi. After six years without a Kyabazinga, upon realising that Buganda kingdom supported Nadiope Gabula coupled by the lessons he had learnt from the Luwero defeat, Museveni opportunistically switched sides and threw his weight behind the Bsoga's choice of Gabula Nadiope. Kalya and company not knowing Museveni's opportunism banked on Museveni's support and went ahead to enthrone Colombus Wambuzi and later to court to block Gabula's coronation. For the people of Busoga, Museveni is not yet done. He will look for ways of fomenting trouble that will keep the Basoga divided to his advantage. 

During Gabul's coronation Museveni called for reconciliation among the worrying parties. He offered to personally talk to the other party. His main preoccupation during the occasion was to introduce the soldiers he had deployed in the region  under his miitarisation program. Led by Lt. Col Dhamuzungu Oguli, the team of army officers got his blessing during the same occasion. Dhamuzungu Oguli is one of the very few Basoga who strayed into Museveni's bush war in Luwero in theearly 80s. In the bush Dhamuzungu was mainly conerned with intelligence gathering. When Kampala fell, he was stationed under DMI at Basiima House. He briefly served at Busia/Malaba post under the intelligence docket. Later he led a team of intelligence officers for a course in Cuba. Upon return, he clashed with Paul Kagame who was in-charge of Administration and Finance at Basiima over alleged misuse of money. Kagame had earlier on led another team to Cuba and upon return he reported back the balance of the money. Kagame expected Dhamuzungu to do the same but the later had nothing to report back. As a result of this bad blood, Kagame grounded Dhamuzungu at the head office for some time. It is around this time that he is alleged to have been bribed by a one Gaetana a Kasese based Sycelles business man who pioneered supply of air to the NRA. Later on he was deployed to the remote Kabamba training school as the Intelligence Officer. For Dhamuzungu, this was a demotion and he absconded his duty station. At DMI, he approached the then DMI Andrew Lutaaya for permission to leave Military Intelligence. He went to work in the Transport Directorate under Kaka Bagenda with whom they had worked together when the later was the DMI in the bush.A t the Directorate of Transport he settled down to MAKE MONEY rising to the position of Director of Transport. Of recent he has been misplaced by the Muhoozi club only to find himself in the poverty eradication project (tying non effective army officers to military law). Lt. Col. Dhamuzungu is now a regional agriculture officer who is managing billions of tax payers' money that will fill the gap left by his displacement from the mainstream military service. 

With its capital at Uganda's industrial heart of Jinja, Busoga economically flourished during the 60s, 70s and upto mid 80s whem Museveni took over power. His discriminate economic policies have since turned Busoga into one of the economically backward regions. As was the case with the Northern and parts of Buganda regions, the move was deliberately designed to subdue the traditionally UPC Basoga. Immediately after the losing the Kyabazinga battle, Museveni has now come up with the Busoga Development Plan. It is through this scheme that Museveni will accord an upperhand to the Colombus Wambuzi faction while trimming the influence of Speaker Kadaga. 

Therefore, 'people POWER' can stand against all forms of intimidation and bribery in other elections but not in the Presidential elections where Museveni is a contestant.


Viele GruBe

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