{UAH} Ayume Petition "Yoweri Kaguta Museveni: Stand up and tell the truth about my father's death"
Ayume Petition "Yoweri Kaguta Museveni: Stand up and tell the truth about my father's death"
Evelyn Anite is a daughter to the late Francis Ayume a former speaker of parliament of Uganda, among other portfolios he held was Artoney general. The Late Ayume died in a mysterious car accident. At the time of his death, the police had reported that his car collided with another car in an accident in Nakasongola. Surprisingly, its wreckage was found in Ndeeba on Masaka Road. Ayume's death shocked the nation and some MPs refused to accept the government's version of the events, because in normal circumstance, the car would have been taken to any police station. Alex Onzima (then representing Maracha), openly told Uganda Parliament that Ayume's death was the work of Museveni government. and the government of Uganda has shied from telling the family the truth but step in Evelyn ,she feels her questions have not been answered satisfactorily therefore she can rest until she gets to the bottom of the story.
When Political crime inquired of her motive to continue with the quest to probe into her father's demise ,Anite`s response "I have questions that are still not answered about my dad's death and I need to bring this up once and for all do to have peace in me. I have four people I need answers from. I have been writing so many questions on pieces of scrap paper for the past 10 years as I continue to read about his death".Anite
''My father was not killed in a road accident he was shoot by someone (whom am not ready to mention) on Museveni's orders and made it look like a car accident. I need him to be brought to justice and that person who shot my father as well to stand trial".
To reach to the bottom of the enigma Anite decided to launch online campaign to petition authorities that be to put the matter to rest, therefore on 18th Thursday, July 2015 with my help we decided to start online petition on the website CHANGE.ORG titled "Stand up and tell the truth about my father's death" and it went active on the same day, as I speak the various social media platforms are saturated with the same story.
Little did Anite know that this is the beginning of hell in her life, a barrage of threats, intimidation has been unleashed to her by part of her family members due to her stand to continue with a sole inquiry of her father's death, and below I quote in verbatim her narrations of the threats?
Anite "I would like to thank all of you who have been threatening me all night till 3:00am but I will stand my grounds and not let you bully me the way your president has done to you. If I can repeat I am not afraid come and do your worst as you stated on your phone last night and live me alone. I don't depend on the president I depend on me and God & I will not be threatened. Getting rid of me is not going to stop another generation asking what really happened to my father".
'' U owe us an apology, and if anything happens to us, be ready to take responsibility" I don't owe anybody any apology. When my father was killed I was on my own I didn't see anyone come up and owe me an apology so why should I apologize for WHAT???????? What wrong have I done? I am writing all this so the people/person reporting back to their people knows I have nothing to hide but when you threaten me and my family that I will pay the price. You also step the mark".
Therefore in continuation for those who know little about the late Francis Ayume I also have reproduced article written by Hon Ssemujju Ibrahim in the Weekly Observer
The mystery of Ayumes death
It would be an exaggeration to suggest that the presence or demise of Attorney General Francis Ayume was of very critical significance to the functioning of President Musevenis government Yet his death in a car crash on May 16 has caused too much panic in government to the extent of releasing contradictory, in some instances false, explanations as to what caused the accident.
The explanations, aimed at removing any doubt in peoples mind that there was something sinister about the accident, have instead raised suspicion. If government is clean, then it should reprimand Minister of State for Information, Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, for making it appear as if it stage-managed the accident.
Buturo told a news conference a day after Ayumes death that government had no hand in the accident. No journalist had prompted him. Why did he answer an unasked question? He said that some unknown people had called his office and claimed that government was behind the accident.
At Parliament, at least two MPs who spoke to Buturo said the Information minister had been instructed by the big man to make that clarification. Accidents are a natural occurrence and more than 20 people have died in accidents on the Masaka Highway in the last one month alone. What was so peculiar about Ayumes accident that required an urgent explanation?
As if suspicion created by Buturo was not enough, the Minister of Works, Transport and Communication, John Nasasira and Masindi Woman MP, Kabakumba Masiko, made the situation even worse.
Kabakumba told a special sitting of Parliament convened to pay tribute to the departed former speaker that although Ayume received a call from Kampala asking him to return to Kampala that night, there was no foul play.
Kabakumbas statement is troubling because Ayumes hosts, P.K. Kuruvilla the deputy chairman of United Assurance, which sponsored the golf tournament Ayume presided over in Masindi, and Mr. George Abola of Kinyara Sugar Works, pleaded with him not to travel at night.
Sources say the call that made Ayume travel at night came from State House. Kabakumba said that the call was reminding Ayume of a Cabinet meeting on Monday.
However, it is difficult to believe that Ayume, who government says was so crucial to the on-going Cabinet discussions on constitutional changes, would need a phone call to remind him of a crucial meeting.
Nasasira, on his part, tabled in Parliament photographs to prove that there was no pothole at the spot where the accident took place, as earlier reported. But The New Vision embarrassed him when its team of journalists reported that the pothole had, actually, been resealed hours after the accident.
That is what forced Maracha MP Alex Onzima to demand an explanation from the government. During the debate in Parliament, Onzima who usually speaks with a lot of energy, wondered why government had withdrawn Ayumes official car and instead given him a five year-old vehicle, which Minister of Justice Janat Mukwaya had rejected. Mukwaya shot up sobbing and dismissed Onzima as being unreasonable.
She explained that Ayumes official car, like those of other ministers, had been surrendered to transport delegates attending the African Development Bank meeting in Kampala.
But after the death, the official car was immediately returned and it is here in the garage, Onzima told The Weekly Observer in an interview last week. What about towing the wreckage straight to a garage in Ndeeba? A senior police officer in charge of the area, Benjamin Namanya, said in an interview with WBS TV that this was wrong. The vehicle was later taken to Naguru Police for inspection.
What about the mystery surrounding the trailer that is alleged to have hit Ayumes car? Police spokesman, Assuman Mugyenyi cited the trailer in the accident, but Nasasira said it was not involved. Who is to be believed?
And now there is another theory that Ayume was stressed with the on-going executive tinkering with the Constitution, especially the attempts to amend Article 105 (2), which limits a president to two five-year terms.
The theory further suggests that Ayume wanted to run away because he feared to get involved in dubious methods of amending the Constitution. Ayume was lowered into the grave on Sunday. So who will tell us the truth? And what is the truth?
Respected retired Ambassador Harold Achemah a boyhood friend of the late Ayume had this to write in the Daily Monitor
"The burning and intriguing issues which Ssemujju raised in 2004 have remained unanswered which is incredible, unethical and unacceptable in a civilized society!
I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to Ssemujju for his illuminating article and would be grateful if The Observer could reprint the said opinion to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Ayume's tragic death. As Ssemujju lamented: "So who will tell us the truth and what is the truth"?
One day the truth will, by the grace of God, be revealed and the truth will set us free
In one of President Yoweri Museveni campaign in the west Nile region he said he had no hand in the motor accidents that killed former Attorney General Francis Ayume and Brig. Gad Wilson Toko, he told a rally in Koboko on Saturday.
Campaigning in Koboko, Ayume home area, Museveni blamed the opposition for what he called malicious and unfounded lies.
How do I cause the death of these people and why? Why not kill the bad ones like (Alex) Onzima and Kassiano Wadri? We do not believe in killing people except in battle, but in cars, that is cowardly, he said.
Incidentally Alex Onzima is now a minister and member of the Museveni government, this how times have changed.
To sum up this story like Anite Evelyn who has bravely put herself in peril to dig out the truth, unfortunately she is facing threats from her family members who consider their wellbeing and Jobs to be more important than the truth showed in the father's death, by shelving the truth. This is the selfishness that has made Uganda lag behind, every Tom, Dick and Harry consider their jobs as a mecca of their lives. The state continues to kill, torture, persecute and hound Ugandans every day. Unless we man up and confront these killers we shall forever continue to beg our killers on our knees.
If you feel this story convinces you to see justice done on behalf of Anite`s family please find time and Sign the petition link below
Atocon Moses Atyekwo mosesatocon@msn.com @twitter: @AtyekwoM Skype:Atomose |
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