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{UAH} Museveni ′short on imagination, innovation′ to fix Uganda | Africa | DW.COM | 12.05.2016

Uganda is a very young country with about 78 percent of the population below the age of 35 and yet they have the highest unemployment rate in the country. If he doesn't, they are becoming a security threat; they are becoming redundant and are not being productive for this country.

Beyond the youth unemployment problem, President Museveni will have to address the increasing concern about the conscription of civic space, the retrogression of our democratic processes.

It is going to be difficult for President Museveni to reconcile this country and to address the concerns of people of who challenge this election. There is no doubt that there is a very big percentage of people in this country who think that this election was stolen. No matter what the Supreme Court said, no matter what the electoral commission declared, there is a general challenge to the legitimacy of this election.

What President Museveni has done in response is to deploy soldiers on the streets, is to unleash weapon of terror on its own population, and is to lock up the opposition leaders. I think that is unhelpful.

What he needs to do is to open up the channel for discussion and to allow for free expression of those who challenge his rule in power. He must reach out to them and reconcile, he must seek a dialogue, and he must seek negotiations and agreement on the minimum governance agenda for this country.

President Museveni has shown an insatiable and unquenchable thirst to stay in power, to hold on to power no matter what it is. There is no doubt that President Museveni will also seek to amend the constitution to lift age limit and perpetuate his stay in power.

There are so many qualified Ugandans who would step up the plate and offer to lead this country. But in the current context of suffocation, of being intimidated, of people being beaten primarily because they are just opposition, I don't see many Ugandans choosing to join politics for that reason.

The middle class in this country, the elite in this country, have stayed away from politics because the nature of our politics is very acrimonies, it involves daily dosage of teargas, false accusation, arrests, and nobody wants to do that.


Brian M. Kwesiga

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