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{UAH} Machar’s ‘Rebels’ overrun Gov’t Military Base, capture Soldiers and loot ammunition—Official



South Sudan armed rebels affiliated to exiled opposition leader Riek Machar overran a government military base in the highly contested Western Equatoria State, capturing soldiers and taking away ammunition, spokesperson has said.

James Gatdet Dak told the media that the 99 soldiers were captured this week when the opposition forces overran Kadibe military base in Mundri county in Western Equatoria State.

"Our troops captured 99 soldiers loyal to Salva Kiir's regime. Our gallant forces under the overall command of General Wesley Weleba captured them when they overran their military base of Kadibe in Mundri," Dak said,

A government official in the area was quoted by plural news website The Sudan Tribune admitting that the military base was briefly captured and controlled by the rebels for two days before being repulsed by  government forces.

Dak also said they captured a police post in Western Equatoria's capital Yambio and took with them all the ammunition in their store.

"Officials in both Mundri and Yambio confirmed the clashes in Kadibe and in Yambio but could not confirm whether the soldiers and ammunition were captured by the opposition forces" The Sudan Tribunewrote.

The group also confirmed that fighting is ongoing in many locations in Upper Nile and Unity states between rival forces. Dak boasted that will be just a matter of time before opposition forces capture the oil capitals of Malakal and Bentiu.

He says forces may advance Juba and capture it "in the next few weeks," retaliating an earlier warning by Riek Machar that it will be the only solution left if the tattered peace deal is not resuscitated.

Fighting broke out again in South Sudan in July between the forces loyal to opposition leader Riek Machar and those loyal to the country's president Salva Kiir, collapsing the peace deal reached after 20 months of a brutal civil war.

Machar fled Juba into the bushes of the south toward Democratic Republic of Congo where he was evacuated to Khartoum for medical attention by the help United Nations' Mission in Congo.

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