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Edith, see there are no winners in this case. My suggestion to you is to tone it down. If you have had enough when your nephew is a murder suspect and you can still hold his hand, what do you think Akena's family are going through?

What if we reversed roles so that Akena was the one suspected to have shot Mathew your relative?

Would you still say that you have had enough?

It is tragic the way you guys come to social media to provoke people who are already on the edge? Is it pride? Arrogance or both?

Take a low key, talk when absolutely necessary. Avoid emotional outbursts because they are not only damaging you guys, they are annoying the family & friends of Akena.

Your sister Winnie made a big error of judgement. You may need to get better PR on your team.You are not my friend & I do not wish to be among your friends.You say I am a hater of your sister? That I am concerned about Winnie losing support in Acholi? Either you mad or on ganja or both.

I neither know Winnie nor any of you girls. What I am certain of is that a young man called Akena was murdered & the suspects are 2 of your relatives.

You do not win public opinion by displaying such level of ignorance, arrogance, impunity & lack of humility.

If it was not for Dr KB, I would have never heard of you little Miss. what exactly do you do for a living?

You are probably used to people who tell you lies & what you want to hear. The corrupt regime has made some of you grow wings.

I have good news for you little lady. Keep it real & humble yourself. Show respect to the family of Akena. Manners do not cost a penny.

Your sister losing support in Acholi? How does she lose support when she works for Oxfam & pays taxes to HM just like me? Support for what? Why would I care? Bambi!

I feel pain on behalf of Akena's family.

Your concern is that your nephew is behind bars and cannot kiss & cuddle Cynthia as they demonstrated in court to our shock and horror.

Your family is lucky Mathew is alive. Akena's family is not as lucky. His mother will never see him again. Unlike you who The other day saw your nephew.

Please carry yourself off Facebook for a while and stop upsetting people. Do not forget your poisonous tongue.

You are definitely not a nice lady.

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