Americans Call for USA To Completely Decouple from China
For National Release | April 16, 2020
(Raleigh, NC) ALIPAC.us is calling for American citizens to demand a full economic and diplomatic decoupling with China in response to the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic virus, civil and human rights abuses by China, and unacceptable national and personal security risks created by China's control of vital cultural, technological, and medical companies and supplies.
China is a notorious human rights abuser that engages in racism against all non-Chinese ethnicities around the world, including Americans and black people, who were recently evicted from hotels, rental properties, and restaurants in China because of their race. China also engages in human organ harvesting as a form of execution for dissidents, minority groups, and opponents of communism.
"China has been harvesting the vital economic, medical, and cultural organs of the United States in a way similar to how they take the organs from political prisoners to sell on the international markets," explained Willam Gheen of ALIPAC.
"One day, when the Chinese turn off the monetary debt morphine, America is going to wake up to find ourselves unable to stand or fight a new world war because China has taken our vital industries, saving the heart and lung removal for last. We call on Americans of all races and walks of life to form a new big tent movement to decouple Americans from China on a national, state, local, and individual level as a matter of personal and national security and survival."
ALIPAC faults China for the following grievous insults and injuries that demand immediate remediation:
-- There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic originated in the communist-run and American funded Wuhan Institute of Virology, while top-level Chinese officials rally their citizens for war against Americans blaming the US military for the virus.
-- China is one of the largest contributors of illegal immigrants to the United States and refuses to allow ICE to repatriate them. America must return all illegals from China back to their home nation asap.
-- US Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is leading an effort in the US Senate to pass S. 386 which would allow more foreign workers from India and China to displace American workers and assert more foreign influence over the US mainland.
-- China employs an army of secret paid internet trolls who attack Americans online who defend our nation and laws in the furtherance of China's political, economic, cultural, and military agendas.
-- China is increasing its influence over America and Americans by sending in numerous real estate investors to buy up properties in American and by sponsoring Birth Tourism where Chinese nationals come to America to give birth and establish a legal anchor into US citizenship rights and privileges.
-- China prepares its military and citizenry for a global war against America, while simultaneously asking for cooperation and collaboration to facilitate their hostile infiltration of all essential aspects of America's economy, educational and medical facilities, and broadcast and communications channels.
-- China has taken control of more than 90% of the production of the vital antibiotics needed to preserve the lives of our citizens. China recently threatened to withhold medical supplies during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, and if they stop sending antibiotics, the US will experience a significant population collapse and the resurgence of once vanquished deadly diseases. America could never fight China in a war over Taiwan as long as China controls the global antibiotic markets since the last US penicillin plant closed in 2004.
-- China ships a constant supply of inferior products into the US, including contaminated products that have killed untold numbers of American pets, and recently sent inferior medical supplies during the pandemic. Each year, China takes more control over the American food supply, and a national policy that allows our enemies to feed us is both insane and suicidal.
-- China has taken control of many American movie production firms and theaters across our nation, giving the communist totalitarian government of China editorial and propaganda control over US media. This is one of the big reasons America no longer produces quality movies as all productions are subservient to the political propaganda of China and leftist fifth column elements within the US. China has exercised editorial control over many movies, including but not limited to the Red Dawn remake, The Hobbit Trilogy, and Iron Man 3.
-- Chinese students, professors, and workers are constantly engaging in espionage from within the United States at the behest of the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army). China stole America's two-stage missile and guidance system technologies from Los Alamos Laboratories in the late '90s during the Clinton administration and has used those stolen technologies to target American cities coast to coast with highly accurate thermonuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
Two recent examples that illustrate high-level ChiCom infiltration of American institutions include the arrests of Harvard University's chemistry and chemical biology chairman Charles Lieber and two Chinese nationals for espionage on behalf of the Chinese government.
In March of 2020, Chinese scientist Xiangguo Qiuand her husband were escorted out of one of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) labs after shipping dangerous and weaponizable Ebola and henipavirus samples to China during the outbreak.
-- Most Chinese nationals in the United States must do the bidding of the China's PLA army or risk direct reprisals and punishments for family members back home. As such, all Chinese nationals pose a risk to America's national security.
-- The Chinese communist government is an abusive totalitarian regime that has enslaved one-quarter of the people on the Earth. They have developed an elaborate Orwellian surveillance system that has tentacles reaching around the globe, and they have global power ambitions. American government, business, and organizational computers and websites are under constant attack by Chinese military assets.
-- China currently has the power to collapse the United States of America by withholding national debt loans and products while simultaneously causing maximum confusion and turmoil through disinformation campaigns inside the US.
-- On October 19, 1950, Chinese communist troops secretly crossed the Yalu River border into North Korea and attached American and United Nations troops. The resulting battle at the Chosin Reservoir cost allied troops 1,029 killed, 4,582 wounded, and 4,894 missing while driving America’s military back into South Korea and handing America our most stunning military defeat in modern history. North Korea is a creation of and proxy state of China that regularly threatens the United States. A state of war still exists between American and China’s North Korean proxies.
ALIPAC recommends the YouTube Channels of China in Focus (View) and China Uncensored (View) as excellent information resources justifying this call to decouple with China.
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