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{UAH} Having too many kids, especially out of wedlock, will limit your chances of breaking out of poverty

By Halima Kiberu via UAH Facebook group

Having too many kids, especially out of wedlock, will limit your chances of breaking out of poverty. I was raised by a single mom, but I do not think single parenthood must be celebrated unless the mother or father is a widow or widower.

I am not including the divorced couples because if the former spouse is still alive then why should the other be a single parent? Circumstances will always vary but being a divorcee does not mean people should not look after their children. That is also another problem.

The crux of the matter is that Single Parenthood should not be celebrated. The courts must just punish parents who run away from rearing their children

We need to start celebrating men and women who were committed to building a family and have given their children not just an inheritance but a culture of family, a true legacy that can be passed down one generation to another. I once told my friend that what made him wealthy when we were kids was the fact that both his parents were there for him.

If you want to be poor, keep making babies. Not even the government's child grant will help you - it will just keep you poor, dependent, and entitled. Having children you can't afford is unfair because you subject them to poverty. Now I'm a bad person for saying that lol

A man can even have kids at 70 (of course that's not ideal) but the point is that you can wait until you are financially ready for the commitment that come with raising kids and or being married

Being able to afford kids solely on my own has been something l strive for because l am not the type of girl who will force the father to pay for child maintenance.

Another thing I've never understood is Married couples who share sexual fluids and french kisses but refuse to share financial responsibilities. You find people who could actually do very well if they worked together, but they can't because one of wants to pull another direction
With our hundreds of tenants in both commercial and residential spaces, you find a few men who cannot afford to pay rent and they tell you not to tell their wives that they haven't paid because they'd look weak. And I ask, but your wife is also working, can't you guys help each other? And the man says "her money is hers, my money is ours". What?

Then you find women who are willing to go to the extent of selling Chapati, pancakes or prepared food at the taxi rank in order to make sure rent is paid, but you'd see the pain in her eyes when she tells you that her husband/partner would rather give the money to his sisters or spend it on himself than assist her with rent - where he also stays? Black people need to be slapped.

"When a man is stung by a bee, he doesn't set off to destroy all beehives"

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