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"Any Excuse To Riot" - Minneapolis Descends Into Chaos Over Police Shooting "Fake News"

by Tyler Durden

Thu, 08/27/2020 - 09:45


In these heady times, it seems, incidents are quickly magnified and wildly distorted, leading to mass public outrage when really none should be warranted: Case in point, the state of Minnesota was forced to declare a "state of peacetime emergency" in Minneapolis last night after violent protests erupted following the death of a local black man.

Violence erupted once again in the larger of the twin cities last night, with video showing angry "demonstrators" burning down businesses, rioting and looting, following "misinformation" about the killing of a black homicide suspect. Rumors spread online said he had been killed in a police shooting, but really, he shot himself in the head, according to surveillance video.

Before watching the video below, be advised: It depicts a man shooting himself in the head, before a nearby officer rushes to his aid. Then off camera, bystanders can be heard accusing the cops of shooting the now-dead victim.

It later emerged that the man shot himself in the head as police were moving in to make an arrest. He had committed the murder just hours earlier, at around 2pm local time in a nearby parking garage

This is what lead to the Minneapolis unrest? My soul is exhausted.

— Kalen From Scriberr (@FromKalen) August 27, 2020

That was apparently enough to spark a wave of rioting and looting.

Doesnt look locked down to me...

Looting is now taking place at the Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis after a man committed suicide while being pursued by police. Any excuse to riot.

— Andrew Beverley (@AndrewBVCU) August 27, 2020

More looting in downtown Minneapolis. They've now breached the Saks 5th Avenue store on 6th and Nicollet and people are making out with lots of goods.

— Courtney Godfrey (@courtneygodfrey) August 27, 2020

Saks getting looted now in #Minneapolis.

— Simulation Warlord🇺🇸 (@zerosum24) August 27, 2020

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey imposed a curfew following what he described as mass looting of businesses, destruction of property and unrest. Gov Tim Walz, also a Democrat, declared the state of emergency, before taking to twitter to beg those committing the violence to stop.

Minneapolis, it's time to heal. We must rebuild and recover. Dangerous, unlawful behavior will not be tolerated. The State Patrol is headed to Minneapolis to help restore order. I remain in close contact with the city and every state resource stands ready to help bring peace.

— Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) August 27, 2020

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said his officers were not involved in the suicide death, saying it was not officer-related.

"I will not allow to add more trauma to a city that's still grieving from May 25," referencing the death of George Floyd, whose death while in Minneapolis police custody sparked ongoing nationwide protests and riots.

One officer was injured in the incident, but not seriously.

Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchinson said his deputies were helping the Minneapolis Police Department to quell the unrest. He urged people to go home and gather the facts before just jumping to conclusions.

"When the police do things wrong we need to hold them accountable, but this is not the case," he told reporters. "We as the police, the Sheriff's Office did nothing wrong tonight."

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey imposed a curfew across the city after the mass looting, destruction of property and unrest.

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