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Germany’s Alice Weidel: Economic Crisis Stems From Immigration & Climate Change Policy

Posted by Alice Green | Oct 7, 2024 

Speaking to fellow members of the Bundestag last month, German politician Alice Weidel delivered a scathing criticism of the current coalition government and described Chancellor Olaf Scholz as the “chancellor of decline.”

The government’s attitude towards immigration and pursuit of clean energy reforms are directly responsible for Germany’s failing economy, increasing unemployment, and growing crime rates, explained Weidel. “You still want to convince yourselves that the voters are running away from you in droves because you haven’t explained your policy well enough. The opposite is the case. The citizens have understood very well that your policy means destruction of prosperity, deindustrialization, mass migration, and loss of internal security.”

Chancellor Scholz’s views on immigration are similar to those of former Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom he served under as Vice Chancellor from 2018-2021. Merkel’s controversial welcoming of immigrants during a migration crisis made national headlines and is likely to have caused permanent damage to German culture.

“The country will be destroyed through this immigration policy,” said Weidel during Merkel’s Chancellorship, adding that “Donald Trump said that Merkel is insane and I absolutely agree with that.”

Citing a tragic stabbing attack that was perpetrated by a Syrian immigrant in Solingen, Germany in August, Weidel claimed Scholz’s government is ‘luring illegal immigrants to Germany while robbing its own citizens of the security it owes.’

Under Scholz’s leadership, the federal government has made changes to its immigration laws in order to make it easier and faster for people to emigrate to Germany. Government officials have also distributed “tips and tricks” to asylum-seekers on how to avoid being deported. And when they do decide to deport criminals, added Weidel, they are “rewarded” with the cash equivalent of two years’ salary.

The increase in violent crime following mass immigration during Merkel’s reign has continued under Scholz. According to Germany’s Federal Police Union, at least 52,000 women have been raped or assaulted by asylum seekers since 2017. An astonishing 761 gang rapes were committed in Germany in 2023 alone. In both cases, a majority of perpetrators were from Islamic nations like Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. 

Germany needs an immediate and substantial turnaround on migration to avoid disaster, proclaimed Weidel.

Ignoring jeers from her colleagues, she held fast to her podium and demanded a “strict moratorium on immigration, a stop to the intake and naturalization of all migrants for at least five years, and no naturalization of people who are in our welfare system; the closing of borders, rejection of all illegals without exception, immediate deportation of all illegals and criminals, immediate elimination of all financial, legal, and welfare incentives, benefits in kind not cash; and, finally, the reform of the asylum law. That’s what a responsible, AfD-led government would do now.” 

Looking Chancellor Scholz directly in the face while she spoke, she added that his budget was “as amateurish and patched-together as your entire government coalition,” “an outrage,” and “unserious.”

Weidel went on to accuse the coalition government of valuing climate protection measures over the welfare of German citizens and explained how green initiatives aimed at curbing emissions have weakened some of Germany’s most important industries.

Volkswagen, for example, is down 500,000 annual sales and is considering factory closures following the “dieselgate scandal” of 2015-16. The 87-year-old company recently decided to dissolve a 30-year-old employment protection agreement and could be forced to furlough up to 20,000 employees.

“It’s not to do with our product or poor performance,” laments VW financial chief, Arno Antlitz. “The market is simply not there any more.” As Weidel noted during her speech, several manufacturers have decided to relocate out of Germany due to a simple lack of competition. 

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (a member of the Green Party who also serves as Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) has unveiled a plan to force private families (who are already struggling to make ends meet as taxes continue to increase) to pay for a plan to dismantle and replace gas networks with renewable sources. With half a million people unemployed and millions more uncertain of their futures, asking civilians to pay for green initiatives is nothing short of unjust. 

Furthermore, continued Weidel, the coalition government is guilty of censorship and the abuse of its opponents – at times using the “most evil fecal and Nazi terms” against them and in some cases “set the secret service on them.” Anton Hofreiter, a member of the Bundestag representing the Green Party, has even voiced a desire to violate Germans’ right to freedom of speech by banning the social media platform X. 

“In the election campaign, the CDU writes off the AfD, but rejects all our proposals. Strange. And after the election, it falls in line with the left-wing united front. But that changes nothing in our resolve to put an end to this grotesqueness in the interest of our country. And that will be in the next election period at the latest, which hopefully will not only begin in one year,” said Weidel at the end of her speech. “Because Germany can’t wait that long for reforms anymore and our country can’t take it for that much longer.” 

Alice Weidel serves in the Bundestag (Germany’s House of Representatives) as lead rep for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Weidel joined the AfD shortly after its inception in 2013 because she backed the party’s opposition to the euro. By 2017, the was co-Lead Candidate. Today, she co-chairs the party with Tino Chrupalla.

The AfD is known for its populist, anti-immigration, anti-Islam, and Eurosceptic views that stand in strict contrast to the current coalition government, which is comprised of Chancellor Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens, and the Free Democratic Party (FDP). The three governing parties, which currently hold 416 of the Bundestag’s 733 seats, are committed to energy transformation and are following a plan to make German industry completely climate-neutral by 2024. 

Though holding just 77 seats in the Bundestag, the AfD is growing in popularity ahead of next year’s election and has become Germany’s third-most-popular political party following the the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD). Though its opponents like to paint the AfD as extremists, they may be the only ones telling the truth about the current situation.

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