{UAH} Homo rights more important than any other right
When the Ugandan Parliament threatened to debate a bill that would seriously check the rights of Homosexuals in Uganda, the western world went up in arms and the president of the world's superpower sent warnings against our goings on. Western countries quickly threatened sanctions and our great dear leader, Ssabalwanyi, quaking in his army boots, quickly killed the debate! Now a law in Uganda seriously curtailing the rights of its citizens has been passed without serious debate but the western world and President Obama are loudly silent! It is obvious that the path this bill, the lack of free and fair elections, an electoral commission that most Ugandans do not trust, and other actions taken recently are leading Uganda inevitably down the road of despair and bloodletting. The message of our partners seems to be - It is O.K.for the natives to kill themselves as long as they don't touch their homosexuals!
Is it O.K for homosexuals to die for their political beliefs but not for their sexual orientation?
Paget Kintu
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