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{UAH} How does the Congolese army really defeat M23????

FARDC - Congolese Soldiers
In 18 months, four senior FARDC officers from the ranks of CNDP made desertion dramatically. The latest is that of Colonel Bisambaza, acting commander of the first sector of the FARDC in Beni in North Kivu. In his flight, Colonel boarded with weapons and ammunition, 60 elements under his command. Direction: Rutshuru to join the M23. More drawings to confirm that the national army is literally infiltrated. Hence, a thorough cleaning of the stables is required, and emergency.

At the beginning of the fragility of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) were all integration agreements, stirring and mixing signed from Sun City in 2002 with various rebel movements and armed groups. Today, the DRC is paying the price of his own depravity. The national army is infiltrated in all compartments, so much so that it is at times unable to play its role. Evidenced by successive desertions former CNDP soldiers, integrated into the FARDC after the Goma agreement of 23 March 2009.

Feeling their movement struggling against the latest attacks FARDC these corrupt senior officers can no longer contain. They say it's time to lend a hand to their real comrades they left momentarily to infiltrate inside the FARDC. To the point where, today, some debacles of the National Army can be elucidated.

Last desertion in the FARDC in date is a former CNDP officer, Colonel of his condition. He left the FARDC along with 60 troops, carrying weapons and ammunition in North Kivu. It is therefore too for an army in a restructuring phase. Go to the debate on the actual situation of the FARDC is restarted.

There are questions that necessarily deserve an answer from those who manage the Congolese army. Part of the army? What is their level of training? Is he loyal to the hierarchy and the institutions of the country?These are questions that should be a national debate to really ascertain the identity of those who serve under the flag.

One must understand how a senior FARDC manages to turn an order of his superiors and finds time to desert in peace.


According to Radio Okapi, which relays the information, citing security sources in the province of North Kivu, the acting commander of the first sector of the FARDC in Beni, Colonel Richard Bisambaza some officers and a sixty elements have defected Monday, August 12th in the evening at Beni. To believe the administrator of the territory of Beni who confirmed the information, deserters took away a large quantity of ammunition before retiring in the bush Samboko, a village located about 90 Kilometers north-west of Beni.

Everything is gone, several sources confirmed, the refusal of Colonel Richard Bisambaza to go Sunday, August 11, 2013 in Kinshasa to answer a summons from his superiors. Fearing punishment from his superiors, the deserter Colonel decided to withdraw Eringeti, about 60 kilometers north-east of Beni. It is in this village, the sources said, what made the FARDC 807th Regiment, a unit formerly led by Colonel Richard Bisambaza before it has been acting commander of the first sector of the national army Beni.

There is no doubt that the point of fall of Colonel deserter or Rutshuru territory controlled by the M23.Reflex, after all, natural. Like the other three senior ex-CNDP who preceded him in this path of treason officers, Colonel Bisambaza has repeated the feat, providing evidence that he and the others were fake bats whose hair grew back before they have finished their dirty work coring.

This defect occurs in the interval of 18 months, after those of colonels Albert Kahasha, Seko and Mihigo Mboneza, specify the security sources in the province. This is problematic, since the defections to date relate primarily to ex-CNDP military. Should a drawing to establish their complicity with the M23? Refuse to recognize would be naive or complicity.

From there to go back to Kigali, it is only not quickly taken. That the M23 is fully supported by Rwanda is an open secret. However, the M23 is only the other side of the CNDP.   


Since the Sun City agreement in 2002, the DRC has lost control of its defense system. This agreement followed other more incriminating for the FARDC as the Goma agreement of 2009, have only further weaken the DRC. In its current state, the national army is a mixed body, a blend of elements from movements and armed groups.

How to recreate the spirit body within such a structure? Not easy, anyway. Yet this is the image we have today of the Congolese army. Thus, officers, particularly those operating in the eastern part, may refuse an order to switch to another military zone and find a reason to leave the ranks.

The worm is in the fruit. This is the least we can say. The national army must be cleaned thoroughly to get rid of bad apples that block its action when it comes to fulfilling its mission.

Today, it is clear that integration operations, blending or mixing that brought in the military flags questionable origins were premeditated dictation makers within the international community. Objective: To prevent the DRC to develop a truly republican army capable of defending territorial integrity.

Now that the facts have clearly the degree of infiltration of the FARDC, it is time to hire a thorough cleaning of officers and troops, as well as all security services. The effectiveness depends FARDC

*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
 We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987

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