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{UAH} We need a Minister for Government Excuses, says Mao

We need a Minister for Government Excuses, says Mao

Norbert Mao giving his speach at the 3rd

Norbert Mao giving his speach at the 3rd Commencement Lecture of Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi Main Campus. Photo by-Sadat Mbogo 


MPIGI. President of the Democratic Party (DP), Mr Norbert Mao wants president Museveni to appoint a minister in charge of excuses who can handle especially the promises made by government and not fulfilled.

He made the remarks while addressing students of Uganda Martyrs' University (UMU), Nkozi Main Campus  at their 3rd Commencement lecture on Monday under a theme: "University Graduates and Society: The Role of UMU's graduates in the social transformation of Uganda."

Mr Mao was reacting to the issue of providing free sanitary towels to all young school girls as President Museveni had promised but the first lady Ms. Janet Museveni came out and said the government had no funds to fulfil the pledge.

"They (government) vow to do this today, tomorrow you hear them asking for excuses from the public that there is no money. I think it is our time to have a minister who will manage these excuses. Life is built on factual promises but not lies," he advised.

He urged Ugandans to avoid social monsters of mankind like corruption, misuse of public offices and nepotism to transform the country.

"To have change, we should identify, equip and deploy transformers or innovators who can make our country great and ensure independence. If our government can give away free condoms, why not free sanitary pads!" he added.

He also said that tertiary institutions should embrace teaching of indigenous knowledge and promote Ugandan products at both local and international market.

"Why do we put on European clothes from hair to foot yet we have our cotton, animal skins and backcloths? Let us go back to our traditional norms if we need to transform the society," he said. It is from this point of view where he encouraged families to prioritise polytechnic education because it is a critical need for people to know how to sew clothes, install electric bulbs in houses, to mention but a few.

Prof. Dr. John Chrysostom Maviiri, the Vice Chancellor at Uganda Martyrs University commended Mao's lecture as inspirational to the young generation and emphasized graduates to coordinate always with such great speakers.


Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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